Monday, September 17, 2007

Final assignment

This is my final assigment, the title sequence for Carnival of Souls movie.
The hardest part to make this flash is synchronizing music and animation. I've done this before with video, but flash is really much more difficult, there is no audio timeline because I add it in sound object layer. Everytime I wanted to check a scene, I had to watch from the beginning, too much that I've got sick of watching it again. However, I'm quite please with the result.
I either drew the pictures or capture them from the movie (use captured image to try the oncept in SEVEN ^^)
Finally, this is the flash. (I did embed the flash to view online, but I found out that the visual run slower and it cannot match the music, so I took it down. Please download and watch it on your computer, NOT online - maybe 24 frames/s isn't suitable for online viewing after all ^^")

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