Sunday, July 22, 2007

Web design - Online job agency

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I'm making a layout for Web Programming course, an online job agency website. There are still some problem with alignment caused by different browser and they're giving me a headache.
After I submit this layout, a senior student (who's in internship right now) gave me some comments about it.
1) She thinks I used too many colors (it should be less than 3 colors besides black & white). I have aqua, red and orange, which is pretty many. With a simple website like this, we don't need many color to distinguise sections.
=> I'm thinking about it and trying to reduce number of colors in my page. Probably I can omit red in the title, and change it to aqua.
2) "I don't like the thin gray line on the left column, it distracts my eyes"
=> Maybe because i'm the one who make it, I didn't realize the problem. That line suppose to be a shadow but it seems like I didn't do it right, look a bit not like shadow any more. Using simple drop shadow maybe a better idea.
3) In IE6, she detected another layout problem because of browser, but I don't have IE6 and cannot test it, this is dangerous.
Because she got power-off, we didn't discuss anymore problems. I'll have to fix this many times for later assignment.

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